Monday, April 7, 2014

Hey Fam!

I got transferred to Zamacola this week.  My new companion is Hna. Rivera, from Chile.  It is a little sad because I fell in love with the people in my ward but I know that Hna. Hubert going home, Hna. Zobrist being prompted to call and all of this was guided by the hand of the Lord and I will willingly go where he wants me! Hna. Rivera is so sweet and I know she will help me so much in becoming a better disciple of Christ! This area is 15 minutes away from my last area and it hasn’t gotten a baptism in 4 months so I am ready to work super hard!

General Conference was unreal! I am so grateful....our zone has 6 gringos in it and we got permission from the president to watch it in English! I can’t tell you how much the words of the prophets and apostles lifted me. I honestly can’t pick a favorite, each of them had an element I needed to work on. However, I did sense an overall feeling of urgency in each of the speakers voices...warning us of the future that lies’s getting close you guys. "The world will not glide calmly to the second coming of the Lord"....We need to choose now to show our faith and not hide it under any circumstance...and stand STEADFAST....holding on to the rock our redeemer (I don’t think I have heard a scripture repeated so many times in one conference). This is our 4 minutes to stand STRONG....and the only way we can do that is through faith, obedience, gratitude and most importantly the atonement of Jesus Christ.  We cannot carry our "loads my ourselves." If we learn of Him and take advantage of His atonement we will gain the spiritual traction to stay on the path.  Even if in the near future, the fierce winds of evil beat upon us. At the end of each of the apostles talks, I noticed more than ever before, their words as they testified of their PERSONAL testimony of Jesus Christ.  They truly know Him and I know that without a doubt! Study their words and you will not go astray!

We had a baptism this week.  It wasn’t in our ward, but Luz Maria called us and asked that we specifically come! It was such a beautiful experience. After she was baptized we went in to the bathroom to help her change.  I asked her, “How do you feel?”  And she said "I feel like a completely new person."  Wow, this experience was amazing. It was a long road to get her to this point and was able to participate in this special day of hers. Also, this week a lady in our ward that we have been teaching has been coming to church for 1 year and hasn’t been baptized.  For a reason I cannot say. But yesterday after conference she talked to the stake president and he told her she could got baptized this week! This was such a miracle I won’t be there which makes me sad but it’s all good! This lady has endured through so much and the Lord showed her mercy and now she can officially be a member of this church! Such miracles. 

We definitely felt the earthquake! It was about 3 minutes....and it practically felt like the street turned into jelly haha. I held on to my companion saying in my this it? The second coming? haha. It was scary but no worries, I’m fine! I have my emergency pack to live off of for a month if needed....moms package...hehe  Thanks mom...I loved it! And thank you all for all of your sweet notes! 

Well this week has been one of many changes but I believe they are for a reason! I love and miss you all sooo much!

Love, Jess

The Zone
Luz Maria baptism
New comp Hna. Rivera is 2nd from the left
one of our rescatadas in our ward - less active for years and now is active again

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