How are you? Seems like everything is going well for you! Well, this week has been completely focused on how to get this ward into shape. We have found that many things are very disorganized and we are trying to get everything in order and do as Pres. Monson has said, to work with the members! It has been a challenge but I know our work will be worth it in the long run! This week we met with each of the leaders of the organizations and set goals as missionaries and leaders. Especially, we are trying to get all the names of the less-actives in each organization so we can work together in order to get these people to remember their covenants and come back to Christ. We really focused on the less-actives this week. There are so many in our ward. It is unreal how many of these people were returned missionaries, counselors in the bishopric, or relief society presidents and now, deny that they really have faith.
There is one family that we went and saw, Familia Rivera. The entire family has the desire to go to the temple and is super strong in the church but the dad wants nothing to do with it. It was surprising that he let us in this last time. As the lesson started we were prompted to talk about temples. And this may have been a little harsh but I was prompted to ask, “Do you have the same desire to make this sacred covenant with your wife? Do you believe Christ will provide a way for you to read this goal?” He began to explain how he had forgotten what faith is. He has been waiting his whole life, even when he was a counselor in the Bishopric to find a life of peace and comfort, and it still has not come. We began to explain to him that faith begins when you ACT. And, letting him into his house what a small act of his faith. Satan is really trying to taunt him into thinking that he has no faith, same with the rest of us. In this moment my comp pulled out a BOM and we explained that if he would exercise his faith and start reading this book he would be able to find the peace and comfort that he has been searching for. This last Sunday he came with his entire family! Wow, God really creates miracles.
Same with two other families that we have been working with. Familia Rojas has not been coming for over a year but yesterday we knocked on their door and they were all ready to go in their Sunday best! Also, another man Hno Suniga has not come to church for over 2 years. Returned missionary and everything but just slowly began to forget the special covenants he has made. All we needed to do was remind him and the spirit did the rest! This made me realize that we all have to be extremely careful to never forget our Lord and the promises we have made with him!
We had an amazing lesson with Jose Maria this last Sunday. He came to church for the second time and is so excited to learn more and more. Our lesson was extremely special. As we walked into the lesson prepared with a lesson, however, my comp was prompted to ask, “What do you want to learn about?” And surprisingly he said, “The spirit world.” Well, ok. We started with that but someway and somehow the spirit led us to the topic of the temple. I had no idea why because he was 16 years old and this is usually a topic we discuss with older members, not usually with investigators. However, the spirit was so strong as we started talking about the sacredness of the temple. The next question we asked was, “What is your biggest fear in this life?” Weird question but it was of the spirit. And he answered, "Loosing one of my family members." Now we knew why the spirit led us to the topic of temples. At the end of the lesson we asked him, “Do you believe that this is the correct path for your life?” And he answered, “Yes, I do, without a doubt!" Ahhhhh such a miracle. He is one who was completely prepared and ready. Pray for him!
Well this week our ward was talking about activities we could to do to get the ward united. Haha And by the end they had concluded that I was going to teach classes in English each week haha! This should be a lot of fun. I’m not really sure how to teach it but hey, I am going to try!
Well, this week has been great! I hope it was great for you too! I have been thinking a lot his week about Joseph Smith and his trials. Especially the scripture that says "Your trials will be but a small moment but if you endure it WELL, ye shall be exhausted on high." Through our trials we need to not only endure but endure WELL. Whatever trials any of you are going through just remember the example of Joseph Smith and know that through the atonement you can not only endure but endure WELL your difficulties. I love you alllll soooooo much. I feel your prayers each day! haha I hope the Biggest Loser contest is going well. I’m pretty sure I am in last place! Anyway, talk to you next week! Love you!!!
Love, Jess
My crazy zone leaders |
Hma. Flora from my group at the CCM |
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