Monday, March 31, 2014

Fam! How’s it going?

Well, this week has turned my world upside down just a little bit....especially on Saturday. The sister leaders called as we were heading out the door and said “You need to come to the mission home right now”....I thought.... Oh shoot, what did I do now...a little freaked out I asked for what.....and she continued, “Hermana Hubert is extremely sick and is going home today”. This completely shocked me, however, for some reason I felt at peace knowing that the hand of the Lord is in this situation. We went to the mission home and Hna Hubert was there and I was able to talk to her. She told me she had been in the hospital for 5 days now and they had no idea what was going on but apparently she was passing kidney stones and she had lost 20 pounds since she got in this area.  Something is seriously wrong and she needs serious help. From the CCM till now she has had sooooo many health problems. It makes me really sad that she is going home but I know in my heart that she needs to go home. Soooooo for now I am in a trio...we are not going to be together for our lessons but she is sleeping with us. So now I am with 2 latinas! haha. Her name is Hna Rivera and she is completely opposite of my companion. She is more on the calm and serious side. She is from Chile and is the cutest thing in the world...she is studying fashion design. The entire time I am with her she is always asking me questions about my family.  I love it! This week will be interesting but I know that god’s hand is in it!

On Saturday night we were able to go to our stake center to watch the RS Conference....haha but it was in Spanish haha. I caught a lot of the concepts! Even though I didn’t understand ALL of it.... I loved it anyway because I felt such comfort and familiarity when I saw the faces of the Presidency. I realized how much you can tell from just looking at a person. As I looked at each of speakers faces I could just feel their grand spirit solely through their smiling faces. And as they asked everyone to sing the simple primary songs...didn’t realize how much those simple words could lift my spirit so much. The gospel is simple and pure. This got me excited for general is probably my favorite time of the year....hearing the words of god specifically for us today! I hope I will be able to listen to it in English but now that Hna Hubert is gone I’m not quite sure. We will see!

On Thursday we had a huge activity called...The Danza Familiar....We invited families to prepare a cultural dance and invited people from the stake to judge. It was so fun to see the amazing culture of these people. Each family went all out with costumes, makeup and everything! Many of our investigators came and 2 of our less active families came as well...which was such a blessing. The purpose of the whole nighy was to get families to the temple. The prize of the 1st place winners was not just some chocolate or was 2 free tickets to Lima in order to go to the temple! A really young couple won and when they found out... I don’t think I have heard someone scream so loud in my life haha. Seeing such joy in their faces made me realize how truly lucky we are to have such a beautiful temple so near by. Never take that for  granted....take advantage of taking part of those ordinances....monthly...even weekly! Because here in Peru they don’t have that blessing!

This week we have been working with a new family of 5... I am not sure if I told you guys this story but the mom of this family was walking along on day and all of the sudden so looked at us and stopped right in her tracks.....all we said was “e are missionaries”.... and she answered, II have a family that would love to be a part of this organization that you have” unbelievable. This woman is an angel. She has a 15 year old daughter and two 9 year old sons. This family is so receptive and open. It is unreal how much commitment they have to learn. I know this is a weird way to put it but I don’t know how else to describe it. It is like this family has been fasting for 15 years and now we have brought them their first taste of food....and they are continually thirsting for more! We always trying to leave when it is getting late but the mom always says .....oh, no just one more scripture haha. This family is so special and is the definition of the people who are ready to receive this gospel in these last days!

Our baptism for the 5th...turns ou\ she wants to get baptized in another ward with her no baptism for us but it’s all good...all that matters is that she is making that commitment with god!

Well this week has been great with a lot of twists and turns along the way! I have really learned to rely on the Saviors atonement with week. I cannot even fathom an elder brother having so much love for me that he would suffer and give His life! He knows what we are all going through in a very personal way. But because he suffered for us....We are INDEBTED to render to him ALL that we have and are (Mosiah 2.34). I love you each soooo much and pray for you every night. Your spirits are always here with me! 

Love , Jess

this is the family from Ikitos that I talked about a few weeks ago
this is an activity we had where people did Peruvian dances haha

this is our ward!

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