Well, this week has been a combination of about everything. Many
frustrations and disappointments yet, many tender mercies and mini miracles.
The two people who were going to get baptized this last week fell through.
Jiorgina...the older lady....her son found out that we were teaching her and
refused to let us come back. I honestly don’t know why. And the other young
girl won’t answer our phone calls. This made me really sad but then I
remembered what Elder Holland said in a talk, #When you are rejected, you are
standing shoulder to shoulder to the best life this world has ever
known.....Why should we think it should be easy for y him?# I have found that
this work is not easy because Salvation is not a cheap experience and Satan
truly wants to take anyone he can....but the light of Christ is stronger. These
baptisms that fell through were hard to see but Heavenly Father led us to more
who are ready and willing.
One is a middle aged woman who has a tumor and lives with her family in
a very small house. She was a reference from two elders. They came with us on
this visit. The four of us sat in front of her and began to talk about baptism
and God’s plan for her personally. Her face slowly began to brighten with
desire...we all noticed it...and we all looked at each other and just smiled.
The next moment one of the elders asked her to be baptized and she answered
without hesitation, #With all my heart#...sorry this computer doesn’t have
quotes haha. We then asked her to go in her room and ask her Heavenly Father
what date He wanted her to be baptized....and she decided April 5th! Amazing!
After this, the elders were prompted to give her a blessing of health for her
tumor. The spirit there was so strong. And as I stood there, I realized this is
why I am here. Not to see these people as a baptismal statistic but to take
upon myself the burdens of those in need and point their souls toward
Another mini miracle is a family we contacted about a week ago. They
didn’t give us their we just knocked and knocked on metal door
after metal door to try and find them. When we were about to give up.... we
knocked on one last door....and through the rebar we saw three little sets of
eyes peeking through. Haha I recognized these little eyes.... these were the
little ones we contacted the week before. They willingly let us in and we got
to know them just a little better. The mom is married...which is extremely rare
here. As we began to teach all the little kids gathered around and listened intently.
As U looked into their little faces I remembered something my CCM teacher told
me to do when teaching.... imagine these people in all white and see them as
what they can become...such as a bishop, stake president, RS prs. So that is
what I did....and I got the distinct impression that we need to get this family
to the doors of the temple in the future. Fam, please pray for this family....because
I want to do everything I can to lead them to the temple! Because as I looked at them....something told
me #This family needs to get to the temple#.
On Saturday, we had an extremely successful activity that our whole
zone put together for our stake. The theme was #The Tree of Life#. We created a
giant iron rod with pipe....and ran in through the entire chapel. We blind
folded each person and there were three worldly rooms....the disco room....the
cinema room...and the poker room. And as the people entered, all of the elders
began to taunt them like in the great and spacious building. It was quite a hit
haha. Afterwards we had testimony meeting in the chapel where the tree of life
was placed. This stake is so strong...and as I listened to their testimonies I couldn’t
believe how amazing the members of the church are in Peru! The vision of
missionary work in South America is growing so fast!
Well this week I have built a testimony of I never have
before. You never have an appointment with the to him whenever and
express your every fear, doubt or worry. But especially this week I have found something.
I had asked myself, #If god has all power to heal, why doesn’t He just heal me
right now?# Well, he does have all power
but because his goal is our eternal happiness. He allows us to discover our
answers through experience. Express
thanks when he withholds an answer because he is allowing you to struggle and
to act on your own faith without prior confirmation. The power of prayer is
REAL and I know that for a fact. He is conscious of our every need, and no
matter how alone you may can KNEEL.
I love you allll so so so much! I can feel your every prayer and giving
power to move this work forward. I miss you more than ever but I wouldn’t want
to be anywhere else. I pray for each of you every day. Talk to you next week!
Remember to just keep smiling!
Love, Jess
My Penchanista (the Bishop's wife that does all of their laundry and feeds them) |
Trail run for p-day last week |
What I eat all day! She buys bushels and bushels for me! |
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