Monday, April 13, 2015


Each of you sound so good! Thank you for all of your reports of your lives.  I love listening to all the good things that you are doing! This week has been a little bit crazy with traveling.  At the first of the week we went to Arequipa then on Thursday of the same week we went to Tacna (which is like two hours away) to have a multi-zone with president and his assistants. It was crazy.  But through these trips I was able to experience spiritual experiences in EVERY moment!

This week was really special.  I will mention a couple of the experiences that we had.

One day we were going to all of our lessons and one by one our lessons were falling through.  When it came to be 6:00 we were going to another appointment when all of the sudden we passed by the bread store that our recent convert owns.  We both had a feeling that we just needed to enter.  As we entered we saw her son, Henry.  We had talked to him many, many times before and it was extremely hard to get through his wall. But we both received the feeling to ask him if we could talk. Right before he invited us in I was remembering that Anna (recent convert) was mentioning every time that we visited her the her son Henry showed me a new video of the prophet today, "my son Henry" read the Book of Mormon with me today, etc.  As we began to talk to him we asked him why he had that desire to help his mother strengthen her testimony even though he wasn’t baptized?  We were silent and we asked, "Do you know these things are true?”  He said, "Yes.  I want to take the same step as my mother."  In his face I could just feel that for many months he has been waiting for this opportunity to be extended to him and he IMMEDIATELY accepted to take upon him the name of Christ. 

This was literally a miracle and I can’t thank my Father in Heaven enough for preparing Henry and his entire family! This Sunday their entire family assisted Ana, Henry, Ronald (another son) and Jenny (Ronald’s wife). This family is so special and chosen for this time! 

We also had an experience with one of the less-actives that was reactivated, Guido, during sacrament.  To our surprise, the bishop was extending callings and Guido got called as the president of the Young Mens! And I just thought of a couple weeks before this he was on our list of less-actives that we almost decided to let go because he wasn’t keeping his commitments.  And now he is called as president! Heavenly Father has HIS time for all things!

Mari-fe and her mother Juana are doing really well.  They are both obsessed about the restoration and are constantly wanting to watch more videos about Joseph Smith and the Book of the Mormon.  At the end of this month we are planning their baptism together as mother and daughter which will be so special!

This week I couldn’t even count how many tender mercies and miracles Heavenly Father has put in our path. But through his hand each of these people were able to progress and move forward in this journey! Thank you so much for your prayers and your love.  I couldn’t do this without each and every one of you! I love each of you so much! Keep smiling! 

Love, Jess

Our Zone!
President - always with his jokes :)

with Hna. Waldron - sister leader who is going home!

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