Monday, December 8, 2014

 Hey fam!

How is everyone!? It sounds like everyone is doing well down there. Everything has been going great down here in Peru. We were a little late today writing because we changed apartments! We are moving to the house of one of our recent converts who has a restaurant and she is going to cook for us.  I am so excited to live with her and her family! She is the only member in her family and we are hoping as we live closer to them the spirit will be able to make an impact on each of the members of the family.  Many exciting things happened this last week . . .

If you remember me talking about Ana, our investigator, she accepted to be baptized on the 28th of December! She is so excited. At first she was a little bit hesitant because she told her husband about it and he wanted her to wait to be able to study and investigate more. However, the other day when we were at her house she told us of her experience. Lately she has been very delicate physically not knowing what to do other that cry.  She began to cry in pain because of it as we were there (the lesson before this one) so, we called the bishop and he came over and gave her a priesthood blessing.  He gave her the blessing, she said thank you and he left. Yesterday she told us her experience.  She felt like during this week the pain in her knees completely went away and this was evidence to her that this church was true and that she is going to tell her husband, "I am getting baptized on the 28th. Are you coming or not?" (haha that’s exactly how she said it) and he accepted to come as well as her kids. She is so amazing, so strong willed even though physically she is week and this is evidence of how real the priesthood is! Such miracles!

We are also seeing a lot of progression in our less-actives and this week we are planning of rescuing many of them!

Our leadership conference was amazing.  We talked about the importance of contacting and through contacting we can change generations!

I received an even grander testimony of fasting this week. This last week I began thinking a lot about the family that was baptized in Buenos Aires and haven’t been able to get in contact with them for the last couple of weeks which was worrying me.  So I prayed and fasted that they would be alright and that night my comp answered the phone and two little girls screamed in the phone, "Is Hna. Mahas there?" My comp handed me the phone and as I heard their voices I knew it was them! Such a miracle! Heavenly Father answers our prayers. I talked to them for a little bit to find out that they are doing well, going to church and to the young women activities. Amazing how powerful the hand of God is!

This week my comp goes home on Wed and I will be here alone with a member the entire week which will kind of be crazy but it will be a great opportunity to get to know all the members! I will miss my companion so much but it will be great to get to know another amazing sister!

Sorry this is a little short but I gotta get to my apartment.  Thank you for your prayers and everything that you do for me. I couldn’t do this without your! I love you so much! Keep smiling!

Love you!


EL ES LA DADIVA (he is the gift) Remember HIM this Christmas!    ---this is an amazing video

Leadership Conference with Hna. Rivera

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