Monday, December 15, 2014


Hey how is everyone doin down in freezing Utah? haha I’m kinda jealous of the cold you guys are having.  Here it is unbelievably hot.  You hardly ever feel a moment of cold. It is really funny walking around at night seeing the Christmas lights in the widows of each of the houses and at the same time sweating bullets. Everyone here in Moquegua has an amazing spirit of Christmas and I love it. In fact, yesterday my companion and I put together a Christmas music recital and it turned out to be amazing! I don’t know if I told you before but we had been working and practicing this entire month with the missionaries, ward members and primary kids to put together eight numbers with narrators before each number. It was tons of work.  We organized to go on the radio in order to announce it to ALL of Moquegua. Pres. Zobrist came down to talk at the end and the spirit was so unbelievably strong.  We had about 400 people there and the missionaries got many references which was our objective! It was great!

This week has been a little bit crazy because my companion left for the entire week but it was all good.  I decided to take advantage of the time that she was gone to go on splits with the two sets of missionaries that we have in ILO. These two companionships live in the same house so I got to know them very quickly. And it was super fun to get to know them a little bit more. I had many special experiences with them and learned from each of their talents and gifts!

However, I wasn’t alone for the whole week.  Hna. Bennion came back on Saturday and Sunday with her mom to be able to direct the music recital yesterday, which was super fun to be able to get to know her mom.  While Hna. Bennion was playing the piano for the sacrament meeting I sat with her and translated what the speakers were saying which was kinda fun. It kinda gave me a flash back to when we went to Mexico to visit some of the people Adam taught and we had no idea what was going on.  But she told me that she could feel the spirit even though she couldn’t understand. She was able to sit in on a lesson with Hna. Bennion and I where we challenged Edson (19 years old) to be baptized and he said yes! Hna. Bennion’s mom was able to share her testimony and we translated. Edson is so ready.  He has understood each lesson we have taught him and he learns extremely fast. He is one of those old souls who knows everything spiritually but we are just here to remind him of the things he has already learned before this life! He is going to be such a powerful missionary!

Ana Nunes is still planning on getting baptized but has been having a few complications with her health lately and had to go to Arequipa to figure everything out. But we are planning on getting her interview ready this next week.  Just help us pray for her spiritually and physically. She needs our prayers!

This morning I went to pick up my new companion Hna. Bazan from Panama. Here is a little view of what she is like.  I walk into the terminal. She sees me, runs toward me as fast as she can and hugs me, almost knocking me over haha. She is the cutest thing ever.  She is always happy, smiling and laughing but when she talks about spiritual things her testimony is so strong! I knew her for one day (we both trained at the same time) so we got to know each other at the mission home a while ago. I am really excited to work with her and to learn from her in this next transfer!

Well, that is it for this week. This week I have truly felt the love of my savior Jesus Christ and the sacrifice he made for each and every one of us. If we truly take time this Christmas to find the true purpose of giving rather than receiving, it will be a Christmas that we will never forget. REMEMBER the true reason for Christmas and find your testimony of HIM. I love each of you so much.  Thank you for your love and prayers.  I couldn’t do this without the power of my family! Keep smilin!

Love, Jess
Went on Divisions with the girls in ILO. They are adorable.
Traditional dance show that we had at our ward.  So cool!  They preserve their culture so well here!

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