Monday, August 25, 2014


How is everyone? I hope you all had a great week. However, I know this week we lost an unbelievable member of our family...Barbara. It was really hard for me at first to take in this news but we really only have reason to rejoice because we have the knowledge of the plan of salvation. And now it is our responsibility to share this plan with others assuring them that they all can live eternally with their families again after this life. She was an unbelievable example to me of courage in the face of trial and I will miss her so much, but I know she is here right by my side.

This week has been good! We are just trying really hard to find those who Heavenly Father has prepared for us. In response to this desire to find these people, this week we planned a "zone blast" with our zone. We got the map of our area and split it up into seven parts with the seven different companionships - each in a specific area. And in two hours, we went out, knocked doors and contacted on the street. They all came back and gave us their references and the next day we went out and tried to contact all of them. It was truly an amazing experience.  I could truly see that we have found those who are searching for the truth!

As a companionship our goal is to bring more unity to this ward and also to get each of the members involved in this work. Because honestly, without the members we cannot reach the divine potential that this area has! So, this last Sunday we passed out a sheet of paper "a ticket out of sacrament".  On this slip of paper each person had to write the name of a friend or a neighbor that came to their heart and mind. And after, they couldn’t leave the doors without this ticket haha. It was such a special experience to see the light of this work burn within each member as they meditated about these people in their lives, who are searching for happiness. So, this week we have a lot of references to contact! haha

From these contacts we found one who was truly searching for this gospel. Our area is huge and we realized on our map that there was an area in my area that had literally not been touched and we felt strongly that we needed to take the time to know the people in this area. This week as we knocked on the doors, we found one young kid who is 21 years old. He had known about the church at age 12 when he was in Tagna and wanted to be baptized but since they moved he had lost contact until now. What a miracle.  Goes to show that Heavenly Father knows perfectly each one of his children and their desires and through the spirit we were led there!

This week we had a sister conference at the mission home.  It was such an unbelievable experience. They had returned missionaries from grandmas to other sister who just came home recently to come and speak about their experiences and give us advice. It was an amazing refresher to remember our talents and duties and sisters on the mission. 

This next week we will be having this conference with Elder Anderson.  I am so, so excited and am trying to prepare spiritually every day for what he has to say to this mission. 

This week we have seen many miracles and I know there are many more in store. I miss all of you so, so much and I can feel each of you standing by me each day and each step I take on this mission. Our family is my motivation, comfort and strength on this mission!

I love you! Keep smiling!

Love, Jess

Sister Conference - reunion of the sisters of the CCM

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