Monday, March 31, 2014

Fam! How’s it going?

Well, this week has turned my world upside down just a little bit....especially on Saturday. The sister leaders called as we were heading out the door and said “You need to come to the mission home right now”....I thought.... Oh shoot, what did I do now...a little freaked out I asked for what.....and she continued, “Hermana Hubert is extremely sick and is going home today”. This completely shocked me, however, for some reason I felt at peace knowing that the hand of the Lord is in this situation. We went to the mission home and Hna Hubert was there and I was able to talk to her. She told me she had been in the hospital for 5 days now and they had no idea what was going on but apparently she was passing kidney stones and she had lost 20 pounds since she got in this area.  Something is seriously wrong and she needs serious help. From the CCM till now she has had sooooo many health problems. It makes me really sad that she is going home but I know in my heart that she needs to go home. Soooooo for now I am in a trio...we are not going to be together for our lessons but she is sleeping with us. So now I am with 2 latinas! haha. Her name is Hna Rivera and she is completely opposite of my companion. She is more on the calm and serious side. She is from Chile and is the cutest thing in the world...she is studying fashion design. The entire time I am with her she is always asking me questions about my family.  I love it! This week will be interesting but I know that god’s hand is in it!

On Saturday night we were able to go to our stake center to watch the RS Conference....haha but it was in Spanish haha. I caught a lot of the concepts! Even though I didn’t understand ALL of it.... I loved it anyway because I felt such comfort and familiarity when I saw the faces of the Presidency. I realized how much you can tell from just looking at a person. As I looked at each of speakers faces I could just feel their grand spirit solely through their smiling faces. And as they asked everyone to sing the simple primary songs...didn’t realize how much those simple words could lift my spirit so much. The gospel is simple and pure. This got me excited for general is probably my favorite time of the year....hearing the words of god specifically for us today! I hope I will be able to listen to it in English but now that Hna Hubert is gone I’m not quite sure. We will see!

On Thursday we had a huge activity called...The Danza Familiar....We invited families to prepare a cultural dance and invited people from the stake to judge. It was so fun to see the amazing culture of these people. Each family went all out with costumes, makeup and everything! Many of our investigators came and 2 of our less active families came as well...which was such a blessing. The purpose of the whole nighy was to get families to the temple. The prize of the 1st place winners was not just some chocolate or was 2 free tickets to Lima in order to go to the temple! A really young couple won and when they found out... I don’t think I have heard someone scream so loud in my life haha. Seeing such joy in their faces made me realize how truly lucky we are to have such a beautiful temple so near by. Never take that for  granted....take advantage of taking part of those ordinances....monthly...even weekly! Because here in Peru they don’t have that blessing!

This week we have been working with a new family of 5... I am not sure if I told you guys this story but the mom of this family was walking along on day and all of the sudden so looked at us and stopped right in her tracks.....all we said was “e are missionaries”.... and she answered, II have a family that would love to be a part of this organization that you have” unbelievable. This woman is an angel. She has a 15 year old daughter and two 9 year old sons. This family is so receptive and open. It is unreal how much commitment they have to learn. I know this is a weird way to put it but I don’t know how else to describe it. It is like this family has been fasting for 15 years and now we have brought them their first taste of food....and they are continually thirsting for more! We always trying to leave when it is getting late but the mom always says .....oh, no just one more scripture haha. This family is so special and is the definition of the people who are ready to receive this gospel in these last days!

Our baptism for the 5th...turns ou\ she wants to get baptized in another ward with her no baptism for us but it’s all good...all that matters is that she is making that commitment with god!

Well this week has been great with a lot of twists and turns along the way! I have really learned to rely on the Saviors atonement with week. I cannot even fathom an elder brother having so much love for me that he would suffer and give His life! He knows what we are all going through in a very personal way. But because he suffered for us....We are INDEBTED to render to him ALL that we have and are (Mosiah 2.34). I love you each soooo much and pray for you every night. Your spirits are always here with me! 

Love , Jess

this is the family from Ikitos that I talked about a few weeks ago
this is an activity we had where people did Peruvian dances haha

this is our ward!

Monday, March 24, 2014


Well, this week has been a combination of about everything. Many frustrations and disappointments yet, many tender mercies and mini miracles. The two people who were going to get baptized this last week fell through. Jiorgina...the older lady....her son found out that we were teaching her and refused to let us come back. I honestly don’t know why. And the other young girl won’t answer our phone calls. This made me really sad but then I remembered what Elder Holland said in a talk, #When you are rejected, you are standing shoulder to shoulder to the best life this world has ever known.....Why should we think it should be easy for y him?# I have found that this work is not easy because Salvation is not a cheap experience and Satan truly wants to take anyone he can....but the light of Christ is stronger. These baptisms that fell through were hard to see but Heavenly Father led us to more who are ready and willing. 

One is a middle aged woman who has a tumor and lives with her family in a very small house. She was a reference from two elders. They came with us on this visit. The four of us sat in front of her and began to talk about baptism and God’s plan for her personally. Her face slowly began to brighten with desire...we all noticed it...and we all looked at each other and just smiled. The next moment one of the elders asked her to be baptized and she answered without hesitation, #With all my heart#...sorry this computer doesn’t have quotes haha. We then asked her to go in her room and ask her Heavenly Father what date He wanted her to be baptized....and she decided April 5th! Amazing! After this, the elders were prompted to give her a blessing of health for her tumor. The spirit there was so strong. And as I stood there, I realized this is why I am here. Not to see these people as a baptismal statistic but to take upon myself the burdens of those in need and point their souls toward Christ. 

Another mini miracle is a family we contacted about a week ago. They didn’t give us their we just knocked and knocked on metal door after metal door to try and find them. When we were about to give up.... we knocked on one last door....and through the rebar we saw three little sets of eyes peeking through. Haha I recognized these little eyes.... these were the little ones we contacted the week before. They willingly let us in and we got to know them just a little better. The mom is married...which is extremely rare here. As we began to teach all the little kids gathered around and listened intently. As U looked into their little faces I remembered something my CCM teacher told me to do when teaching.... imagine these people in all white and see them as what they can become...such as a bishop, stake president, RS prs. So that is what I did....and I got the distinct impression that we need to get this family to the doors of the temple in the future. Fam, please pray for this family....because I want to do everything I can to lead them to the temple!  Because as I looked at them....something told me #This family needs to get to the temple#.

On Saturday, we had an extremely successful activity that our whole zone put together for our stake. The theme was #The Tree of Life#. We created a giant iron rod with pipe....and ran in through the entire chapel. We blind folded each person and there were three worldly rooms....the disco room....the cinema room...and the poker room. And as the people entered, all of the elders began to taunt them like in the great and spacious building. It was quite a hit haha. Afterwards we had testimony meeting in the chapel where the tree of life was placed. This stake is so strong...and as I listened to their testimonies I couldn’t believe how amazing the members of the church are in Peru! The vision of missionary work in South America is growing so fast!

Well this week I have built a testimony of I never have before. You never have an appointment with the to him whenever and express your every fear, doubt or worry. But especially this week I have found something. I had asked myself, #If god has all power to heal, why doesn’t He just heal me right now?#  Well, he does have all power but because his goal is our eternal happiness. He allows us to discover our answers through experience.  Express thanks when he withholds an answer because he is allowing you to struggle and to act on your own faith without prior confirmation. The power of prayer is REAL and I know that for a fact. He is conscious of our every need, and no matter how alone you may can KNEEL.

I love you allll so so so much! I can feel your every prayer and giving power to move this work forward. I miss you more than ever but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I pray for each of you every day. Talk to you next week! Remember to just keep smiling!

Love, Jess
My Penchanista (the Bishop's wife that does all of their laundry and feeds them)
Trail run for p-day last week 

What I eat all day! She buys bushels and bushels for me!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Hey fam!

How is the biggest loser contest going? haha I kinda want to do it with you guys. But, we eat a billion starches here so I am pretty sure I would be the first one to be out. However, I am beginning to eat things that I probably would have pushed away at of those is the eyeball of a fish. haha The other day our penchanista had to make a large meal for a huge group of people, so we helped prepare. I got the duty of cutting the head off of the fish, which was so fresh I’m pretty sure I saw one of them move while I was cutting. But, as I was doing that my companion came over...took one of the heads, took out the eyeball, put a little salt on it and ate it. I almost gagged myself haha. But little did I know in the next moment it was my turn...she held one up to my face and told me to try it. All I could think of was that line on My Big Fat Greek Wedding, "my aunt forks the eyeball of the lamb, chasing me around with it, trying to get me to eat it because it is going to make me smart". So...I decided my brain needs all the help it can get right now so I closed my eyes and swallowed the lovely slimy eyeball. Oh what an adventure it is in Peru haha.

This week we had a district training at the mission president´s home. First he asked the question of how we can keep the people who are baptized, active. His solution was something I had never thought of before...he said "if you and your investigators have a knowledge and plant their testimony on the Doctrines of the gospel, you and they will have the power to endure to the end because you will understand the WHY of the gospel." After this, he picked people one by one to stand in order to ask a personal/inspirational question...(he loves putting people on the spot, he has definitely purged me of that fear). Each question just seemed so perfect for each person...cause practically every missionary started to cry right when the question was seemed to spark something in each of them. My mission president is amazing. Through this he made two points. 1) God knows each of us and our investigators personally...and this knowledge can come through inspiration of the Holy Ghost. 2) Will you be ready to stand face to face with the Lord...and answer the questions He asks? The spirit was so strong. I don’t really know him too well yet but I am beginning to understand when people say "You are not only called to your mission but you are called to your mission president". He is such a spiritual giant and obedience is his number one rule but he has taught me how to take a chill pill and have fun....haha cause you all know I can be a stress case.

I was able to go on exchanges for a night with the sister leaders of our area! I went with Sister Sanchez´s area which is in a place called an hour away from my area and Hna Castro stayed in our area with the other sister overnight. It was such an amazing refresher! Hna Sanchez has been out for a year and is 25 years old and the only member in her family. I learned so many teaching tips from her. The entire time we were walking from house to house she gave me such amazing advice...and I could tell she really wanted me to succeed! She was such a tender mercy!

Hmmm lets experience...there were so many this week but I’ll just tell you one that was most recent. Yesterday, my companion and I had two appointments that fell through. I walked off feeling a little discouraged...we all of the sudden saw our relief society president walking up the hill. We asked where she was going and she said she was going to visit a member. So we decided to tag along. When we got to the house and knocked on the door...a couple answered saying the member we were coming to visit was not there. We began to walk away when something said to just stay and talk with them...had no idea why? As we talked to them we found out that this couple was from Ikitos and they were only staying here on night because their plane had been cancelled. This didn’t register in my head that they couldn’t be a potential investigator because they lived in another place...but without understanding I said "Ok, lets start with a prayer" ahah. Everyone looked at me kind weird but we said a prayer and my comp looked at me like... "Ok, this was your idea, take the reins" I had no idea what to share but as I flipped through my scriptures, Moroni 10: 4-5 jumped out at me. As we talked a little more, we found out that the husband was a member and had served a mission and the wife, has not wanted anything to do with the church their whole marriage. However, as my comp started talking and bearing record of the Holy Ghost and Its power. She all of the sudden started to break down and said " Today I was supposed to be in Ikitos but the plane broke down and I said to myself, why me? But now I know that God stopped that plane so that I could be here with you both". The spirit was so strong...I could touch it. I have now gained a testimony of how the Lord has His hand in every tiny detail of this work.

Lovely detail of the week: As my companion and I were walking to breakfast this the corner of my eye I saw a giant dog running toward me as if it were a bull running toward a red piece of cloth. And before I knew it...he ran into my legs and swept me of my feet right onto my back. Wow....that definitely woke me up for the day. It hurt like nothing else! I am telling you, these dogs here are insane and have the spirit of Satan in them I swear!

We have two older ladies with a baptismal date. One is named Jiorjina and she is really sick...but she has the faith that being baptized into this church will give her the strength she needs to get through it all. What an amazing lady. The other one we are still trying to work on but with the help of the Lord I know we can do it! Our main focus has been on the many less-active families in this ward....and we have seen miracle after miracle with each of them!

Well, this week has been a great one full of joy, disappointment, miracles and frustration. But it is all part of the experience! I have really learned how to rely completely on the Lord...which is something I honestly have never done to this extent before. I just want each of you to know that God knows each of us so personally. And if you are amidst a trial...drop to your knees when you can’t stand anymore and he will send his loving arms to embrace you! I love you all soooooo much and I am praying for you each day!

Love, Jess

This is when we went to Lima and were in the airport at 2 in the morning
because our flight was cancelled
"Bug Legs"
this is us with our lovely meat platter....this was our first pday
these are our sister leaders that we went on exchanges with!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Well, this week has been a crazy one. I wasn’t able to email yesterday because I was getting my visa in Lima. But it was pretty fun.  We went out there with a group of about 15 and stayed in a hotel. However, the night we were supposed to go back to Arequipa...we got on the airplane and everything.  Sat there for an hour and they told us it was cancelled! But even though that was a bummer...I gained a testimony that God has his hand in everything. During that hour that everyone was just sitting on the plane...I talked to a lady who was from the UK. Of all the seats she could have sat in she sat right next to me. I began to ask her if she believes in God. And she said "No, I don’t see any reason to." I then explained that we are all God’s children and that he has a plan for each of us. She asked many, many questions. And I told her that there are missionaries in London that could come straight to her house...and she got so excited. This delayed flight was not a coincidence...God needed me to have that experience. That was a tender mercy to me!
This week has been a trying one but that is what a mission is all stretch our physical, spiritual and mental capacity in order to further this work and allow the missionary to become more converted. I have learned a lot of patience...especially with my companion. Also, this week I have gained an immense testimony of the power of prayer. I don’t think I have every prayed out loud with so much intent before. If any of you have a chance...pray out loud...there is a completely different level of the spirit that accompanies.
I am slowly learning how to intently respond to the promptings that I have. One small example... we were walking down a street passing many people along the way. I looked up and smiled at one young woman...thinking nothing of I kept walking. However, I felt this feeling that said "go back"...but I tried to ignore it thinking "Oh, she has already passed by and we are late to our next appointment.". But, an even louder voice said again "GO back!" So, with my companion looking at me like I was some weirdo, I ran back up the hill, tapped her on the shoulder...introduced myself and after getting to know her a little bit (with my childlike Spanish haha). I asked "Do you know what your purpose is here on earth?" She thought for a minute and said with uncertainty " job?" This response just made my heart sink knowing that... many people believe that "work" is the reason we are here on earth. I realized then that it is our job as members to let everyone know around us that their life has a purpose.
Well, I almost got attacked by a pack of dogs the other day haha. One morning I was running around the park as my companion watched and all of the sudden I hear a grunt behind me and believe it or not...there was a giant pack of dogs beginning to jump on me. haha I don’t think I have ever run faster in my entire life...that definitely woke me up that morning!
We have been working a lot with the less-actives this week. One of them is an 18 year old boy. One lesson, we asked him to pray to God to see what his purpose is. The next lesson he shared with us the answer..."Ii think God wants me to go on a mission". That gave me so much joy. We also challenged two older ladies to be baptized for this next month. They are spiritual giants and I hope they follow through.
Well this week has been great! I can testify that when we pray...he listens. Because like it says in D&C 98 1-3----your prayers are stamped with the Lord’s seal and testament that they will be answered. I love you all so so much. I can feel your strength and spirits surrounding me each day! I pray for you each day. Well, until next week...just keep smiling! That is always the key to everything!

Love, Jess

Monday, March 3, 2014

My first week in my first area!

 Hey family!

Wow, I honestly can’t come to the fact that I am in is unreal. So on Tuesday...we all got up at 4 am to head out to the airport. As we flew over Arequipa it just seemed like a different country...they do actually consider themselves the Texas of South America. I am surrounded by huge mountains and green hills...completely opposite of Lima. When we landed it just kind felt like home. We were greeted by President Zobrist and his wife...they are so fun and loving...making jokes left and right. But they can definitely lay down the hammer when they need to. The first thing he said to me when he shook my hand was...”You better like to work hard Sister because this mission is all about work and strict obedience, but one more thing, don’t worry and be happy.” We all got on the bus and they took us on a tour of some of the famous sites. One of them was the temple site! It sits on top of a hill overlooking the valley...and nothing can be built around it because I guess it is ancient Inca territory. I can’t wait for when that day comes for it to be built!

We went to the mission president’s house and did a little welcome and got our companions! Her name is Hermana Castro...she is from Piura, Peru and is 25 years old! She has a heart of gold, she is a spiritual giant and loves to laugh all the time. I know that Heavenly Father sent me to her for a reason.

I am in an area called Buenos Aires which is like 30 min from the presidents house! This area is full of hill after hill...I definitely get my workouts for the day. I am in a stake with Hermana Hubert from the CCM. I get to see her every Tuesday at weekly planning which is such a relief to see white skin an speak English for a second!

I thought it would be super super hot but I’ll be as bold to say that is becomes as cold as Utah. We live on Arequipa could probably look it up on google maps. We live in a one room apartment with a bunk bed and an outhouse with a lovely shower that greets me with a cold chill each morning. haha But it’s all good, it wakes me up. I swear there are more stray dogs than people here...I am beginning to rise up to the hate level of dogs as you, dad. They pretty much look satanic here.

Our penchanista lives down the street...and guess who it is...the bishops wife! They are such a lovely family with 2 little girls named Vanessa and Nichole. The Bishop is just a jokester but so spiritually strong! This is such an amazing opportunity to eat with the Bishop daily because we get to talk about the less actives and the ward members. This ward truly knows what it means to work side by side with the missionaries. We usually have at least 3 lessons with a member each day! The members are unbelievably strong in this area.

The food is great...I just try and stay away from the rice. But the bishops wife knows that I am a North American they say I have stomach haha. And whenever I can’t eat it all my companion eats it for me. I love her so much.

Each day we have lots of work and lessons. In the morning I have challenged my companion to run with me. We run around a park each morning....and each day we do one more lap than before. Then, we do personal and companion study. For part of that study I teach her English and then for the other half she teaching me English. Teaching English actually helps me with my Spanish!

As we have been teaching people Ii truly know the feeling of the guy on The Best Two Years who says......”this is not the language they taught me in the MTC”  It is sometimes frustrating when I have a heart full of words building in my soul waiting to get out to help these people. However, as I speak the words I can....every single person listens with love and real intent.

Well, those are all the details of my area and everything! Next week I will tell you stories and share more of the spiritual side of it. But I am positive that this is exactly where I need to be. Although, I get discouraged often with the language and everything....I keep reminding myself... in His strength I can do all things! I miss you all more than I can put into words but I know that I am blessing you more by being here than anyone else. I love my Savior and I can testify that He knows each of you personally. I pray for each of you by name every day and night. I love you all so much! Talk to you next week!



The Bishop and his kids
My companion Sister Castro from Peru
The front door of our apartment 
Meeting my new companion at the mission home
Group of new missionaries arriving at the mission home with the mission pres and his wife
Cathedral in Buenos Aires area of Arequipa