Monday, March 9, 2015

HEY fam!

Every one of you sounds like you are doing perfect! I am so happy to hear about all the good that you are doing and the love that you are showing all those around you! This week has been a great one.  Good news, I’m not getting transferred! I am so excited for this new change I know that there are so many things that are in store for us and so many miracles that the Lord has in store if we work as diligently as we can! This week I really just want to focus on one miracle that happened that I will never forget.

A while ago Hna. Bennion and I went to visit a girl named Lucero, who is 21 years old and has a little girl with her partner Jose, who is less active. We talked to her about marriage and she told us that she has no desire to get married or to be baptized and from then on when we went to her house she would send her daughter out to tell us, "My mom says to tell you that she is not here." haha The typical door response that we get out of these little kids. So, we just decided to let her go.  However, the other Sunday all of the sudden we saw her sitting right next to Jose, which was so surprising. After the meeting we went up to her to set up an appointment and she kind of looked at us like we were crazy. However, when we went to her house the next week we found her and her husband there and we spoke about the atonement of Jesus Christ and challenged them to pick a date THIS month to get married. We left and the next day she called us and said, "Sisters, we set a date for the 26 of this month! And I want to get baptized the next day!" I was shocked in the way that heavenly father made this miracle happen in the lives of Jose and Lucero but he did in his OWN time! ahhhh We are planning their wedding and helping them with all their papers and everything. Such a miracle that heavenly father has brought us!

The less-active couple that has plans to go to the temple .got an interview with the Bishop and he is going to help them with all the plans to get there! Their whole family are members but their son no and this week we had the opportunity to talk to him which was amazing! We are going to continue to work with him!

We are starting to teach the son of Ana Nunes (recent convert) and NOW they seem so ready to listen and do everything they can to have an eternal family! 

Oscar (recent convert) received the Aaronic priesthood this last Sunday and he was so excited! Edson is still in Lima and called us and said that he had baptized many, many names and sounded so content on the phone!

So many miracles that are happening in HIS TIME! I am so grateful to be here and I am so, so grateful for the influence that each of you have had on my life and you are STILL influencing me! I love you so much! Keep smiling! 

Love, Jess

Bonfire with the zone the last night of changes
Hna. Toti (our Pench) being a missionary and putting the pamphlets on the tables in her restaurant
Our zone - Elder Wagner trying to push the timer on his camera....and didn't quite make it! hahahaha

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