Monday, January 12, 2015


Hey fam how are you? It sounds like everything is going great down in SLC. Everything is going great here in Peru! We have seen many miracles this week in the progress of the investigators and less-actives that we are working with! One of the less-actives that we are working with lives alone with her 18 year old son, Oscar, her son has always seemed to be really closed and has listened to the missionaries forever never wanting to talk. And every time we taught his mom, she always pleaded with us, “Please help my son come into the gospel.”  But one day my funny companion just kept knocking, knocking and knocking on the door until he came out haha. Right then, we taught him about the plan of salvation with drawings and questions--he had tons of intelligent questions that we didn’t know how to answer. So we promised him that we would come back with the answers.  But we told him that we know that he would be able to find the answers to all the questions he had in his soul in one book--the Book of Mormon. We left him Ether Chapter 12 for him to read and when we came back the next day he had read and told us that he found his answer! And he accepted a baptismal date! To see his mother’s face when he accepted was priceless. Such a miracle.  The Book of Mormon is the key to the conversion!

We learned so much in our leadership council about the importance of our studies and how our studies in the morning can change generations! We talked a lot about the role of the spirit and especially the importance of LISTENING, to be able to discern the needs of each person. At times I was so worried about what I was going to say that I forgot that during the lesson THEY are the ones that should be talking and practically teaching themselves.  It is just our job to ask the questions. It was such amazing council. And to see all the work that President puts into every aspect of this work is unbelievable to see every time!

We began to teach a family of members, however, the father is not a member. His parents formed the evangelical church here in Moquegua so he is completely faithful in that church and never before accepted the visit of the missionaries. But one day we had a FHE with his family and he was there.  He brought out his bible thinking that we were going to do some scripture bashing but instead of we just asked him about what he liked to do and his hobbies. He looked quite confused at our questions because he was expecting to learn doctrine. But we did not even mention it. He mentioned that he love basketball so we asked him if he would be willing to teach a class to the kids in the ward and he said he would love to! He is teaching classes every night.  And yesterday he came to teach to hear his daughter talk! Poco a poco! But through the little things there are miracles!

This week has been amazing.  Heavenly Father has led my way in every step that I take. He truly knows perfectly the heart of each child of god and his love for each and every one is immense! Thank you so much for all your words and prayers.  I KNOW I couldn’t do this without them. You are the most amazing family I could ever ask for.  Thank you for your examples and your love.  I couldn’t move forward without them! I LOVE YOU. Keep smiling.  I will talk to you next week!

Love, Jess

At the Mission Home
All the sisters
These are all the sisters we are in charge of.  They are adorable!
Divisions with Hna. Fueres, from Galapagos.  She is awesome!
Helping President make french toast in the morning before the conference

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