Monday, November 3, 2014


Hey how is everything? Like always it sounds like you are doing great down there in Utah! I heard that it snowed down there that is so fun! Well today is bitter sweet for me. I am getting transferred.  It is an area called Moquegua which is about four hours from this area that I am in now. The first thing all of the people in my ward said to me that it is so unbelievable hot down there.  And that I will be eating a lot of "palta" which is avocado. My new companion in Hermana Benion.  I haven’t met her yet but she is an American from Utah! It will be extremely hard to leave these people here in this area, especially the people in the ward.  We have grown to be extremely close but the hardest part will be leaving my companion. She has taught me things that I never even thought possible. She has been such an angel in my life!

This week my companion and I really tried hard to find those people that are waiting and prepared to here this gospel because before we didn’t really have many investigators progressing.  However, this week we found many new families and people that are willing to listen. So I will have to keep in touch with her to know how it goes with all of the new investigators that we found this last week.

However, the true miracle that happened this week was yesterday. We had been praying and fasting for the ward members and the less-actives to feel the need to come to sacrament meeting because only about 65 were coming. But yesterday Heavenly Father answered our prayers and our fast.  My companion walked into the ward house and counted 120 people sitting there ready to take the sacrament and renew their covenants. I will never forget the feeling that I got as I looked out into the audience seeing less-actives and families that are struggling to receive the ordinance of the sacrament that I honestly think they haven’t received in over a year! A true miracle from our Heavenly Father! As I sat there I was thinking about the progression that we have made here in this area and we have only had two baptisms during this entire time together.  However, the work of the Lord is not just that it is to ALL (members and less-actives) come unto Christ and that is truly what we have been focusing during our entire time here, to visit the families to strengthen their conversion and yesterday we were able to see the fruits of the work of our Heavenly Father! So amazing. Heavenly Father gives us miracles each day, we just have to look for them.  We can look for them in the way that we want them to come but in HIS way. And as we look at everything as a miracle we will begin to have an attitude of gratitude which cures any difficulty, problem or struggle we may have. 

Last night I didn’t know this at all but as we went back to our pench’s house to eat for the night. I walked into the door and the entire ward was sitting there waiting for us.  I cried right on the spot.  I couldn’t believe that they would take the time to do this. Everyone said some words, my comp sang and the all the little kids sang a number also. In that moment I got a little taste of what heaven will be like when we all meet back as an eternal family. The spirit was unbelievably strong in that room and I felt bad because I honestly couldn’t stand up and talk.  I was just bawling (haha thanks for that gene Stever and Grandpa Mahas).  It was so special. But now I am ready to take on this new assignment, area, and companion to be able to learn new things and make an entirely new family in this area! 

Even though it is extremely hard to leave, changes (the changes we have in life) are a blessing because they allow each and every one of us to step out of our comfort zones, to be stretched and tried.  To become the daughter or son of God you we’re meant to become here on the earth, even as HE is.

Well, I still haven’t met my companion but right after this I am heading on a bus out there so I will have to give you a report of it all next week! I just want all of you to know how much I love you.  The power of our family has sustained me throughout this mission and it is the motivation for me in order to push along each day! Well, we will see what this new week brings but up until then....guess what’s coming....KEEP SMILIN! I love you so much!

Love, Jess

Helping a member paint her house

Cooking with the best family in the world!

Saying goodbye to the bishop's daughters
As a surprise, the whole ward showed up to say goodbye

Fam Meza has been asking me this entire transfer to pick up their dog but I had refused up until last night--this is a milestone!

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