Monday, October 20, 2014


Well, it sounds like everything is going great back at home! Thank you so much for your words of comfort and motivation each week, it means so much to me! Well, this week has gone well. I am learning and growing more than I ever could have expected. We have seen many miracles this week, especially with our less-actives and recent converts.  They have all completely forgotten the reason they were baptized. But, as we have been teaching them the lessons again it is amazing to see the spirit that has been dormant for a while reawaken. 

The other day we had a lesson with one of less-actives.  His name is Edward and for some reason in the morning we had the feeling to teach him about the word of wisdom.  When we started the lesson we asked him if he was keeping the word of wisdom and he said, "Yes, I am reading the wisdom of the wisdom of the scriptures each day." He had no idea what it was! So as we explained it his eyes began to be filled with fear and began to tell us that every morning and every night he needs to have a cup of coffee to stay awake.  As we explained a little more and challenged him to keep this law he said a little doubtingly, "Yes, I will try." However, we knew that Satan was still going to work with him and tempt him in this way so we told him we are not going to leave this house unless you get up right now and get all of the coffee packets and give them to us. He resisted for a long time until he got up and gave us the 20 packets he had and right then my comp and I threw them in the trash outside. It was amazing to see the atonement work through him in that moment in order to give up something in order to come closer to his Savior.

We also had an amazing experience with one of our investigators this last week. As we taught her about the plan of salvation I truly saw the evidence that we are all born with the light of Christ and as missionaries we are only here to reawaken this knowledge that they knew before this life. As we explained the fall of Adam and Eve, explaining that is was part of the plan to eat of the fruit, the spirit reawakened the light of Christ in her and she said, "Oh yeah, that makes sense. I think I have heard this before." So amazing how powerful the spirit is and it is unreal to realize that each person that we see on this earth CHOSE to follow this plan but they just don’t know that.  It is our responsibility as members of this church to make our brothers and sister remember!

This week the president felt impressed to have a mass fast with the entire mission in order to receive revelation as to how we can better this mission. It was such a beautiful experience to know that the entire mission of Arequipa was fasting, one in purpose, and I am positive that miracles occurred because of it.

I learned a lot this week about how Heavenly Father is in absolutely every detail of our lives and there are two ways we can live; believe that miracles happen rarely or to believe that EVERYTHING is a miracle. If we look at life with an eye of faith and gratitude we will slowly begin to see that every step that we take is a gift and a miracle given to us by our Heavenly Father. 

It has been a great week. I hope everything is going well back at home! Find ways to be a missionary at every moment! I love each of you and pray for you each night. Until next know what’s comin.........keep smilin! :)

Love, Jess

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