Monday, September 15, 2014


Hey how is everyone this week? From reading your letters you all sound like you are doing great! This week was great, we had our baptism this last Saturday which was such a special experience and a lot of work. On Thursday he had his interview with the president and everything was perfect, however, the next day on Friday he called us and said, "I don’t want to get baptized anymore." Hna. Mendo and I were shocked and had no idea what to do. We prayed for guidance in order to know what we needed to do to bring another one of god’s children into the fold. We had the impression to call our zone leaders for help. That same day all four of us sat in the capilla with Marvin and had one of the most powerful lessons I have had. The spirit was so strong. And in that moment he told us, "I want to get baptized tomorrow!" Such a miracle. Heavenly Father truly answers prayers.

The next day we had his baptism which was such a special experience. When Elder Anderson came he told us that we "NEED to see the change in the hearts of the people and if you don’t, PLEASE wait." I was asking myself this question during the service the entire time. But, there was a moment when he was up in front giving his testimony and I looked directly into his eyes and the spirit confirmed to me that he had had this change. Now it is our responsibility to keep him active and not run away from the fold.

Also, this last week we have been making amazing progress with Claudio and Lisbeth. Claudio has been a Baptist his whole life and al pricipio he was extremely closed off and thought that only his ideas were correct. However, through the power of the Book of Mormon he is completely changing. His heart is softening just through reading its words. And this last week, the spirit made them realize how they were living in sin and needed to repent as soon as they could. So we set a date for their marriage and we are hoping to do it in the capilla! They have such potential. And I know that they are going to go to the temple in the future!

This last week Heavenly Father sent us to a boy who is completely ready to accept this gospel. He kinda reminds me of a modern day Joseph Smith. He is 17 but when he talks about spiritual things he sounds like he is 30 years old. He came to church yesterday and connected with all of the young kids immediately and was so attentive in all of the other classes. In the end he told us that he had been asking god a question for a long time and today it was answered. He wants to start going to seminary and get involved. So amazing! I was thinking back at how we contacted him. One day we saw a young girl carrying two heavy bags and we offered to carry them to her house. We set up an appointment with her the next day and Brian, her brother, just happened to be there and joined in on the lesson. Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways to help us find those who are ready to hear this gospel!

Well, that was my week this week. Many miracles each day. This week I would ask each of you to search and study the Book of Mormon. If there is a question you have or a feeling of sadness, disappointment or discouragement the words of the Book of Mormon will heal you! Thank you all so much for your prayers. I love you all more than you will ever know. Until next week....keep smilin!

Love, Jess

With Marvin and the Zone Leaders
The view from my roof

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