Monday, July 7, 2014


How are you all doin? Happy 4th of July the other day. No worries, my comp insisted on wearing red, white, and blue so I did celebrate haha. And a shout out to Mills, Nichole and David Bennett this last week. I hope your birthday´s were all that you hoped for. I hope you know how much I love you all!

This week has gone well. It was a little overwhelming at first because I don’t know the streets, the houses and I have the responsibility to teach my comp also. However, I am positive that Heavenly Father knows our weaknesses and is helping us fulfill this calling despite them. But one of the strengths that He has given us is being 2 gringos in the same area, calling attention everywhere we walk. I love my new companion. She is always super positive despite the disappointments that we pass each day. She is truly a strength to me. I really don’t feel too much like a senior comp because I am trying to stress the fact that we have to work 50-50. I don’t have more power than she does! But, we are working well together and have set many goals to make our companionship stronger!

This week I was just trying to get to know all of our investigators, members and less-actives. A lot of information to take in all at once but I know with time I will be able to accomplish what my Heavenly Father wants me to! We have one really amazing investigator; she is 15 and is so so intelligent! We can truly see her becoming converted. This week without us even telling her, she signed herself up for seminary and wants to come to all the activities of the YW. We are hoping to baptize her this month.

We had several cool experiences this week. One day this week, we set out to look for a contact that we had made the day before. And oh yeah, we don’t know the streets and half of the streets don’t have names or numbers on them haha. We asked everyone in our path the direction,"Mas arriba. Mas abajo" haha. Wait what? We kept finding ourselves in the same place. We wanted to give up after 45 minutes of looking for this house, however, just as we were about to give up a man came up to us and offered us a helping hand, finally finding the house. We went in to the house of this mom and her 3 children. We began to ask her questions about her beliefs and all of the sudden she stops us and says, “Well I have been baptized in this church and it has been 20 years since I have assisted. And during this time I have been missing something spiritually in my life.” Wow. In this situation I learned 2 things: 1-that Heavenly Father never forgets about His children that are lost, and always finds a way to bring them back to His fold. EACH soul is precious in His sight. 2-Although we have weaknesses (like finding directions in this area), if Heavenly Father has called you he will qualify you. We all need to look past our weaknesses having confidence that through the atonement of Jesus Christ we can make these weaknesses our biggest strength.

We also taught a new family the other day. They have 4 kids who were completely excited to learn about the gospel. This house they have is probably the most humble home I have seen in my time here, which is hard to top. But despite this the light of Christ shines through their faces and I can truly see a future with this family. We will see how it goes this next week!

Well, although this area is only like 10 minutes away from my last area it is a completely different world. Each area has their strengths and weaknesses. Economically this area is A LOT more humble which makes them be a little more humble as well! Our bishop and mission leader are dreams come true. Their support is unbelievable and I can’t wait to work with them throughout this transfer.

Well, this week has gone well. Through this process of training I am truly learning how to be humble and have complete trust in the Lord because without him, I am nothing. But in his strength we can do ALL things. Always remember that (Alma 26:12). I love and miss you all so much! Know that I am praying for your happiness and safety each night. Keep smilin!

Love, Jess

My old ward who threw a goodbye party for us. These are the young people and and a lot of the less-active people that we reactivated.

One of the less-active girls in our ward

Me, Hna. Rivera and Hna. Gymon
Me and Hna. Gymon

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