So I am here and I am pretty confused about a lot of stuff haha. Yesterday's trip was a little crazy. We got off the plane at LA and they took us quickly to the next plane so we didn't have any time to thanks Mom for the Hi-Chews...they pretty much saved me! I wasn't able to sleep at all on the plane but your letters made the flight better so thank you! We got off the plane and went through sooooo many customs---if Sister and Pres. Gonzalez were not there I don't know where I would be! We were greeted by the old President and his was nice to hear a clear American accent in the midst of all the Spanish I had been hearing. Then they drove us to the MTC---the streets and the surroundings remind me of a lot of Mexico. It was about 3AM when I got to sleep...because I was trying to find my way around in the dark and trying not to wake up the other sisters haha.
This morning I woke up at about 7AM to the other Spanish sisters chattering away...I was planning on sleeping in a little longer but before they left they came over to my bed and said "Sister Bennett...Levantanse"----haha apparently I am Sister Bennett now. :) All of the other sisters in my room went to the Temple early in the morning so I got up pretty confused. I didn't know where to go or what to do. So....I just walk around trying to find someone to talk to. Finally, I ran into a cafeteria worker and he got me some food---but I didn't have much of an appetite. Someone came and led me to the women who I was supposed to meet and she was surprised I was up already haha. But, since then, she has been showing me around and getting me situated. It kinda feels like I have been running around with my head cut off....and I am still trying to find the other half of me right now---But I am sure I will find it eventually!
The grounds and the buildings here are very beautiful! I don't have any pictures yet because I just got in this morning but I bet I will get some to you next week! I can tell this is going to be a hard week for me. But I am sure this is how every other sister feels when coming here for the first time. I know Heavenly Father will help me!
There is not much else to say considering I have only been here for a few hours!
But, I miss you already...which isn't a good sign...but I love you all so much and I can feel your strength and prayers----I really really need your prayers right now.
Thank you for all you have done for me!
I love you all!
Love, Jess
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